The intersection of
podcasting & activism.

Media has the power to reach and influence so many people. As media creators, how do we leverage our podcasts for the greater good? How can we turn our audiences into communities that are collectively working towards the same goals?

These are the questions we ask at Podcastivist.

At Podcastivist, we help you develop an intentional plan for your podcast, no matter where you are in the process. Podcastivist offers resources, consultation and strategy development for podcast creators who want to use their podcasts as catalysts for social change. Request a consultation.

Lynn Casper, Founder

Lynn Casper is an activist, podcast producer and consultant who is fascinated by the connective power of technology.

Casper is the communications coordinator at the Association for Independents in Radio (AIR).

Casper started the Homoground podcast in 2011 which continues to serve as a platform for LGBTQIA+ musicians & music lovers worldwide.

In addition to podcasting, Casper has developed marketing and social media strategies at Working Films, Do Big Good and Outlier; and coordinated communities and events for Mozilla’s NYC Hive Learning Network.